2008年2月25日 星期一


How to record?


2008年2月21日 星期四

Sepcial Topics of Computer Network note

paper list:

Selected Papers

1. "A Minimum Delay Routing Algorithm Using Distributed Computation," [Gallagher 1977]. In this paper, the multipath routing problem (of determining at each node, the fraction of traffic destined for a given destination that should be routed over each of the node’s outgoing links) is formulated as an optimization problem. An iterative, distributed algorithm in which marginal delay information is passed to upstream nodes, which then readjust their routing fractions, is shown to converge to minimize the overall average cost (e.g., delay) in the network. This paper (as well as [Kelly 1998] below) are nice examples of how network protocols (e.g., routing, ratecontrol) can be naturally derived from well-posed optimization problems.

2.政霖 "The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols," [Clark 1988]. This paper provides a thoughtful retrospective view of the goals and design principles of the Internet architecture and its protocols. It has been a favorite among students in my networking classes, and paired with [Molinero-Fernandez 2003] has made for many lively and interesting class discussions.
3. "A Calculus for Network Delay, Part I: Network Elements in Isolation; Part II: Network Analysis," [Cruz 1991]. During the 1990’s, there was considerable foundational research on providing quality of service guarantees for flows that are multiplexed within the network. This paper describes an elegant "calculus" that provides provable worst-case performance (delay) bounds on per-session, end-end performance. Many important works followed this seminal work; a nice survey is [LeBoudec 2001].
4. "A generalized processor sharing approach to flow control in integrated services networks," [Parekh 1993]. In many ways a companion paper to [Cruz 1991], this two-part paper demonstrates how provable per-node and end-end persession performance bounds can be guaranteed, given a weighted fair-queueing discipline at each node.
5. 汎嘉"Equivalent capacity and its application to bandwidth allocation in high speed networks," [Guerin 1991]. The notion of effective bandwidth, an approximate characterization of the queueing behavior of a session when multiplexed with others, was developed by numerous researchers (see, e.g., [Kelly 1996]) throughout the 1990’s. This early paper introduced me to the idea, and sparked my interest in the area.
6. 筱婷"On the self-similar nature of Ethernet traffic (extended version)," [Leland 1994]. While the notion of long-range dependency, self-similarity, and heavy-tailed distributions are now a standard part of the lexicon of those interested in traffic characterization and descriptive network models, this paper introduced these ideas widely, launching many subsequent research efforts that have taken such an approach towards modeling.
7. "Sharing the cost of multicast trees: an axiomatic analysis," [Herzog 1997]. Axiomatic methods, in which one poses a desired set of system properties or behaviors, and then develops a protocol that meets these properties (or proves an impossibility result – that there is no protocol that meets the requirements) is a well-known technique in fields such as mathematical economics and social welfare theory. This paper was an elegant application of this set of tools in the networking domain.
8. 筱婷"Rate control in communication networks: shadow prices, proportional fairness and stability," [Kelly 1998]. This paper formulates the rate control (congestion control) problem as a problem of allocating bandwidth to flows so as to optimize overall system "utility," showing that Jacobson’s TCP congestion control protocol (developed 10 years earlier using tremendous engineering insight) can be naturally interpreted as a distributed algorithm that iteratively solves this global optimization problem.
9. "Multicast-based Inference of Network-Internal Loss Characteristics," [Caceres 1999]. Many research efforts in network measurement through the mid-to-late 1990’s were descriptive in nature – taking active or passive measurements at various points in the network, and interpreting the observed performance (e.g., packet delay, packet loss, aggregate traffic mix, or throughput). This paper elegantly used statistical methods (maximum likelihood estimation) together with end-to-end measurement data to infer the (unseen) topology of the network between the measurement endpoints. Inference techniques have since become an important and widely-used part of the measurement toolkit.
10. 嘉裕"Internet indirection infrastructure," [Stoica 2004]. It’s been said (in a quote often attributed to Butler Lampson) that nearly every problem in computer science can be solved by adding another level of indirection. I had always thought that this quote applied to data structures and algorithms. This paper, however, opened my eyes to how indirection can be used in an elegant and clean distributed network architecture for providing a variety of overlay services

Papers need reading

[VoIP class]
End to End Performance Initiative
  • 網路太分散,不好管理
  • Internetworking
  • PMP
  • 找出bottleneck,通知正確管理者處理(cf.GDT module)

Open question
imcomplete data?
rank multiple results?

GDT relevant...spec....(need reviewing)

paper format relevant document...

How to evaluate a system?

  • Application
  • Architecture
  • Protocol

2008年2月19日 星期二

JQuery notes

How to combine JQuery with JPGraph to graph real-time SIP packets transmission figures?


2008年2月13日 星期三

LNCS format


SIP-Based Adaptive Multimedia Transmissions for
Wired and Wireless Networks

What is GDT?

2008年2月4日 星期一

[Weekly Report]2008.1.19-2007.1.25

1.Learn PHP graphing:
1.1 I surveyed PHPGD and found that it is too difficult to graph data
in database using PHPGD.
After surfing web, I finally choose to try a PHP graphing library:
JPGraph. Easy using, object-oriented programming...etc,are its
features, and I test it and feel that is true.
1.2 Show some test pages below:
test1:my winter-vacation plan
Just a basic usage. JPGraph has many examples. I think Gantt-chart is
the most likely what I want, such as a call flow. So I practice using
its object,GannttGraph, and the accompanied functions to graph.
test2:my weight record(using data in remote database)
Combine the remote query and PHP graph, I setup a personal
weight-record system for myself. I can add record and see the trend of

2.Arrange what I should prepare for my research:
As the page:<http://ms11.voip.edu.tw/~martensite/todo.html>

3.SIP peering affair:
3.1. Reply the request of peering. Tell them our server and list our
labmates' SIP number for them.
3.2 I want to setup the routing rule between peers, so I sent to Karn
to ask for add an test account for us.

[Weekly Report]2008.1.12-2007.1.18

1. MySQL Remote Query:
1.1 How to test:
In order to learn the MySQL database, I designed the experiment
environment. Because I can grant any privilege on my own server, I
chose to set-up the database on the other server(in this task,it is
ms11.voip.edu.tw) and try to connect to that one. First, I tried to
query in the localhost mode. When I make sure the local query is OK,
it represent that I learned MySQL query language fine. Second, I
upload the php files to ms11 server, and modified the files with the
connection details. I use a php file storing these connection data and
include it in every query php file.
1.2 Test:
* test1<http://tintin.no-ip.org/Database/Lab/index.php>
test1 is the simplest test for MySQL. Just test connection of MySQL
database and the database creation,modification,deletion using PHP
script language.
* test2:Remote Query(ms11 query to tintin.com)
test2 is for remote query test. It works fine, but I grant all
privilege to the remote user. It need modifying.
1.3 What I have learned:
In the learning process, I learned the privilege concept of MySQL.
I finally know why I can not connect to the ms11 database from my
server. I think the manager confined me to local query.

[Weekly Report]2007.12.29-2007.1.4

1.Continue trying the logging of OpenSER:
Try and try again. And I found I forgot set the debug level. After
reading through the doc, I can get the concept of debug level, but
can't map it to what I should do.
2. Finish my AWK little program:
I really feel I CANNOT learn to write any program because of the
four-year frustration. Shell-script programming is really suitable for
the "newbie" as a starting point.
3.MySQL remote access:
I added a user as a normal one in the MySQL database and write a
little PHP webpage to access the data(just list the data).