2008年1月30日 星期三


ms11沒有rewrite "to" header
有513 "Message too big" ack
warning:392 Noisy feedback tells:....
還以為設了alias=voip.edu.tw就能解決(這是參考文仁網站上的technical doc.)

2008年1月25日 星期五

PSU peering test

Peering Test
Xlite, 23200@

TEST (2008.1.25)
從PSU打到NCNU可以,NCNU打給PSU server就不行。用回撥的也不行。

猜錯了!因為有收到server給我的404 not found....

(在家還是無法在PSU SERVER註冊。因為網域不支援?)

2008年1月4日 星期五

[Weekly Report]2007.12.22-2007.12.28

1.Prepare the term projects of VoIP Measurement and Web Technology.
2.Try logging of OpenSER:
2-1. Read the document: OpenSER - Debug and syslog messages
2-2. I tried to use the simple log function to record how many INVITE
packets passed my proxy server. Try and error, and finally it worked!
(HAHA!) I think I can combine the result of the log file with my term
project topic, MRTG , to get a visualized report of SIP call flow.
2-3. The second try of the log function is to log how many successful
call have established. I discussed with Wen-Jen, we think maybe we can
log how many ACK packets. I put the log function in somewhere in the
main route, but it didn't work. The task is not finished.

[Weekly Report]2007.12.15-2007.12.21

1. Settle down the SIP Fluoroscope System on three servers:
1.1 On my own Linux server, it runs well. But there is still one
problem. The PHPGD module cannot be loaded well, so I can't not move
on the path to draw the flow of call using MRTG.
1.1.1 This week, I found that I should use sudo to compile the C
program captures packets. (Reply to the teacher question in the last
weekly report)
1.1.2 Before this week, I compiled, and failed, and I even didn't know
I failed.
1.2 On the ms11 server, it (still?)runs well.
1.3 On the iPBX server, the system can capture the packets,and store
them in the MySQL database. The webpage can show the packets, but not
so-called real-time. There must be something wrong, and the key
problem might be AJAX. Still debugging. I use a useful Firefox
plugin,Firebug, to debug the javascript code. The error message shows
that there is a function in Sajax not defined. But I check the Sajax
is the same as others on the other Linux server(my own server).
2. Struggle with the logging of OpenSER:
It must seems very simple for the demon(取其「高手」意), but I am 苦手(日語). I
tried to insert some log functions in the OpenSER configuration file,
but the message didn't show up in the log file. I must put them in
the wrong places. I walked around the forum, and get a
tutoria<http://www.voipuser.org/forum_topic_8040.html>(I would like to
call it a reading queue for knowing OpenSER). And I consulted Wenjen,
he advised that I should read the OpenSER Core Cookbook and "OpenSER
Pseudo-variables" document to know how to program in the configuration
file. There are too many things on my TODO list.

[Weekly Report]2007.12.8-2007.12.14

1.Implementation task:
1-1.Try to compile the Sipfluoroscope system program in Linux system.I
compiled with wrong option and failed to link the need library and get
right execution file. It is ok now! But it is very strange that the
mysql database cannot get the data capture from the the Sipfluoroscope
1-2.Try to get the the Sipfluoroscope running on the ipbx.ipv6.club.tw
server. As you saw, I am not very familiar with the *UNIX command and

[Weekly Report]2007.12.1-2007.12.7

Weekly Report
1.SIP server using OpenSER:
Authentication setup is ok!
2.SIP.edu document reading:
SIP.edu Cookbook reading task is over.<http://mit.edu/sip/sip.edu/ >
Reply to your instruction(last weekly report reply):

>Is "SIP Fluoroscope" running on iPBX now?
Ans:Not yet.
I need time for this task.
>You must have gotten your OpenSER running.
> Try to figure out its support on logging.
>(Similar to SIP Fluoroscope, but not so tedious.)
Ans:When my server reboots, the OpenSER restart automatically.

>Have you finished reading SIP.edu documents?
> Please prepare a webpage to describe our system like
>(You may also refer to the "Notes" of other universities
>to prepare ours.)
Ans:I will explain this task below(in Chinese paragraph).
>Let me know the progress of the above items, so that we can discuss
>the draft of your final report.
Other things:
不過我連加班車都沒坐到 回到家時都已經晚上八點了。
看了一下在客廳的無線router燈是亮的 ,
這是我這週五的經歷 ,也是週報沒有準時交的原因。

除了因為一直感冒(running noise)還有其他的原因,
還有,我的SIP.edu for NCNU簡報及建置網頁的專題報告都還沒動是因為在看了它校的note網頁後,
覺得我們實驗室SIP server的作法跟正規的機制好像差很多,
那天下午跟學長討教 覺得我們實驗室好像只有把兩個資料庫用一個flag(boolean type)結合,
或許是我還沒了解透徹也或許我們真的是用非常簡化的方法去implement SIP.edu mechanism,
我問自己 為什麼不去搞清楚,
可是兩者機制的確不同 報告該怎麼寫,
就是這樣顧慮東顧慮西 所以拖拖拉拉沒有進度,
SIP.edu cookbook的網頁資料從目錄結構到最後我看了好幾遍, 但是有看沒有懂, 所以不敢寫在週報裡。

iptables notes
