2008年10月10日 星期五


Nyquist's theorem
Use Nyquist's theorem to determine the maximum rate in bits per second at which data can be sent accross a transmission system that has a bandwidth 4000 Hz and uses four values of voltage to encode information.

Shannon theorem

PSM(Phase-Shift Modulation)
  • in order to encode more bits in one cycle (according to Nyquist theorem)
  • 可encode 3 bits/cycle →2B變6B
  • 0,90,180,270
Error Detection
  • Parity check
    • even(湊到偶數個1)
    • odd(湊到奇數個1)
    • ascii code: 7 bits + 1 bit parity bit
  • Checksum
    • 會考!記得4個16位元數字一組,不夠的補零
  • CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check Code)(這次先不考,但會出作業)
    • notation: F: frame(就是data啦~), P:除數, R: 餘數
    • sender:
      • F mod P=R, F'=F+R(附加在後),送出F'
    • receiver:
      • F' mod P=R'
    • check:
      • R=R' (correct) R<>R' (error)
    • 重點在怎麼除:
      • 字串頭為零,直接往左移
      • 字串頭為一,作XOR
    • 如何選擇除數?
      • 待續...
